10 Great Gardening Tips & Ideas

There are some great gardening tips in this article from someone who obviously knows what he is talking about. They will save you time, money and temper! I'm not sure I approve of his method of deterring cats from using your garden as a toilet but otherwise, take his gardening tips onboard.

I've amassed these 10 tips over my many years of being an avid amateur gardener, and nature-loving enthusiast, from old gardeners, neighbours, friends and my own tried and tested methods. I'm no expert and would never claim to be one, I only pass on a small part of my accumulated knowledge in the hope of helping others enjoy the most rewarding of pastimes "Amateur Gardening".

  1. To prevent animals from digging up and eating your spring bulbs, you should have first, wrapped them in a thin layer of steel wool. It does no harm to the bulbs, as its shoot will push right through it.
  2. Washing up liquid makes a great insecticidal soap when you mix it with water. Take 1 to 3 tablespoons of washing up liquid and mix it into 4 litres of water, add a tablespoon of vinegar too, put it in a spray bottle and mist spray the entire plant. Small left over soap bars, you remember the ones that clutter the soap tray in the bathroom, and no one likes to use, can be utilized also and easily dissolved using warm or boiling water. Of course always remember to let it cool before applying to your plants. Soapy dish or bath water can also be collected and used effectively.
  3. Cut all flower stems at an angle, as it creates a larger surface area for the flowers to draw up more water and you must remember to put your flowers into water immediately. When I cut long stemmed flowers I take a deep pale almost full to the brim with water which was stood in my glasshouse or shed overnight just for this purpose. If you don't then tiny air pockets will form in the stems and cause the flowers to droop. Oh yes and don't forget to drop an aspirin in your vase with the water, your flowers will love you for it and repay you by staying fresh looking for longer. A small piece of an Alka-Seltzer tablet or a part spoon of liver salts, once the fizzing has stopped are good alternatives to aspirin. Don't put long stemmed flowers in a small vase, and visa versa, for small stemmed ones. Always choose the appropriate vase and your cut flowers will certainly last a little longer, provided you maintain the correct water level. Last but not least, never ever use water straight from your tap for your vase of flowers, always put water in your vases the night before and stand them on a windowsill to gain room temperature, as tap water is very cold and causes those little air bubbles to form.
  4. If you didn't plant your trees and shrubs late last autumn, to get well established before the onset of winter, then it's nearing that time of year in temperate zones, when the ground is free from hard frosts. They can be planted out now or as soon as they become available at garden centres and nurseries. Always choose the ones with the freshest or plumpest buds, as these are raring to get growing. A good handful of bone meal or other general-purpose plant food, even the pellet form of chicken manure dug well in the bottom of the hole will help feed your new addition to your garden. Large trees will benefit from the addition of a length of garden hose being buried alongside their roots to help watering in long dry spells.
    Bonemeal is best as it is a slow release source of nitrogen - trees are a long term project and the bonemeal fertiliser will last over a year. Mix well into the surrounding soil to encourage root growth.
  5. Use old bubble wrap to line your pots and containers, it will help warm the compost and prevent late frosts from damaging delicate new roots.
  6. When planting up your fresh spring hanging baskets why not use your old knitwear or newspapers for a no cost basket liner, this will save you plenty, and the money saved can go towards better quality compost and plants. Don't throw away the remnants of last summers baskets; either dig it into your garden or at the very least put it in your compost bin.
  7. When giving your garden hedges that spring prune, get nice neat level edges and flat tops by fastening a length of rope to two points across it. Or push broom handles into the hedge at each end and tie your line to them. An old washing line or strong garden twine are ideal, remember not to cut through your line. Although not 100% accurate it will certainly help achieve a better-looking hedge.
  8. So now the path has over wintered, and the mosses, lichen's and of course the weeds have all taken over. Salted Boiling water and a good stiff broom will do the trick. It may need to be repeated, but will not damage surrounding soil like commercial products can, and is the safest where pets are concerned.
  9. We all love our own pets, but we simply hate it when that old cat from down the way decides to use your garden and freshly dug flowerbeds as a toilet. Now I've tried just about everything in the book apart from a shredder LOL and I've still yet to find a really good solution to this problem, as most only seem to work for only a short time. Please don't say get a dog, frankly my dog is fast asleep just like me when our neighbourhood cats come calling. The closest I've come to a deterrent is rose thorns on your flowerbeds, the cats simply hate them as its like walking on glass and as any gardener knows who has ever had rose thorns in his/her fingers that really hurt and are difficult to get out. It's often easiest to grow lots of plants that cats don't like
    Clear plastic bottles filled with water often deter cats for some reason - perhaps their distorted reflection scares them.
  10. Now dogs are a lot different, because of their acute sense of smell, old perfume, or the ones given you for Christmas, you know the ones that you always give away as presents to those you don't really like, well use them in your garden instead. Even aftershave will work wonders. Cayenne, White or Black Pepper powders can also help but are easily washed away by rain.

The Easy Guide to Bedding Plants

The Easy Guide to Bedding Plants
 The Easy Guide to Bedding Plants

Bedding plants are ideal for sunny or lightly shaded but should be planted in a sheltered area. They tend to be short-lived, i.e., last one season but they grow fast and provide excellent value for money.
Many bedding plants can be grown from seed or are available as young plants from Garden Centres and can be bought for Spring, Summer or early Autumn colour which can transform a dull border in a very short period of time.
Plants for Summer colour usually die after the first frosts. Dig them up as soon as this happens and, if you have a compost heap, recycle them. Many plants can be used that will look good during the Autumn and Winter months and will provide colour on duller days, e.g., myosotis (forget-me-not), ornamental cabbage, pansies, polyanthus, primula, viola or wallflower.


Filling in gaps between Plants and Shrubs that aren’t fully grown
Hanging baskets, Containers, Window Boxes, Troughs
Planting a whole bed for immediate effect

Choosing Your Plants

First, decide your colour schemes and plant combinations you want to achieve, e.g., do you want to achieve instant patches of colour or a whole bed?
You will need to consider how big the plants will grow, think about the patterns and think about how you want to contrast the colours.
When buying plants you should choose ones which look bushy and healthy and avoid those that look withered, droopy or have dry compost.

Summer Colour

When planting summer bedding plants these should be planted when the danger of frost has passed which is usually from end of May.
Here are some popular varieties:
AGERATUM (floss flower) – fluffy, powder blue flowers ideal for edging and containers, about 30cm.
ANTIRRHINUM (snapdragon) – trumpet-like flowers in soft, pastel colours including shell pink, golden yellow, apricot, rose and peach. They form a long-flowering cloud of colour for bedding and containers, about 40cm.
DAHLIA – perfect for bedding and containers and often come in mixtures of bright, starry flowers in shades of reds, rose, pink, orange, yellow and white, about 45cm.
BEGONIA – flowers all summer from June to October with red, white and pink flowers, about 15-25cm.
BRACHYCOME (swan rover daisy) – daisy flowers in shades of white, blue and violet each with a striking yellow or black centre. Flowers all summer and very effective in containers and hanging baskets although are best in full sun, about 25-30cm.
BROMPTON STOCK – clusters of sweetly scented spring flowers in shades of white, pink and mauve. Ideal for a sunny border, about 45cm.
CALLISTEPHUS (aster) – colours include yellows, whites, blues, pinks and purples and flower shaped. Best for bedding displays in borders, about 60cm.
CLARKIA – lilac-purple flowers, best sown in groups to achieve a dramatic display, about 40cm.
COSMOS – always look good in a flower border with large blooms in rose-pinks, reds and pure white with attractive ferny foliage. Best as a border filler or large pots, about 60cm.
FUSCHIA – flowers July to early Oct in white, pink, red and purple and types of fuchsias include bush and trailing, 30-60cm.
IMPATIENS (busy Lizzie) – these provide a great splash of colour in baskets and containers or can be planted en masse in a border. The white, pink and red flowers keep going until the first frost and do best in part shade, about 25cm.
LOBELIA – flowers from June to October in blue, red, white and mauve and includes trailing and upright types, about 15cm.
MESEMBRYANTHEMUM (Livingstone daisy) – these vividly coloured flowers open with the sun and are an excellent spreading plant in borders, about 8cm.
MARIGOLD – orange and yellow and flowers all summer, 15-30cm.
NICOTIANA (tobacco plant) – red, pink, white, yellow and green flowers in June to October, 25-60cm.
PANSY – summer and winter varieties and can be planted to give year-round colour in a huge range of shades, 15-25cm.
PELARGONIUM (geranium) – come in many different flower colours and often scented leaves, 45 cm.
PETUNIA – fantastic colour range in every shade with striped, veined or double blooms on upright or trailing plants. They flower early in the season and are superb in the garden especially when deadheaded regularly. They look great in all types of containers and baskets, about 30cm.
SALVIA SPLENDENS – these popular, compact, neat plants are one of the first bedding plants to bloom, creating a blaze of red for months. Effective planted in mass bedding displays, about 40cm.
VERBENA – very attractive summer bedding plants with dark leaves and rounded clusters of flower heads in shades of white, yellow, orange, pink, red and blue. Ideal for containers, beds, border edging or window boxes, 30 cm.
VIOLA – small pansy-like flowers in March-October in white, yellow, orange, pink, red, mauve and blue, 15-20cm.

How to Plant Them

• Don’t plant them when it’s too hot and water the new plants thoroughly while still in their pots before planting
• Make sure the planting area is free from weeds and fork over the area thoroughly
• Dig a hole bigger than the roots of the plant and water the hole. Tap the plant out its pot or tray trying not to disturb the roots. Gently push into the hole and firm the surrounding soil.
• Place tall plants to the rear and compact edging plants at the front being careful not to overcrowd them.
• Some bedding plants come in pots made from peat which should be planted as well because the roots grow through them.
• After planting, sprinkle a general fertiliser such as Growmore lightly round the plants and water well.
• Bedding plants grown in flower-pots, containers, hanging baskets and wall-mounted pots should be filled with potting compost mixed with water-retentive gels and slow-release pellets.

Looking After Your Plants

• Keep bedding plants blooming over a long period by picking off any dead blooms to encourage new flower buds
• Feed every one or two weeks with a liquid fertiliser
• Keep the area between the plants free from weeds as they will steal nutrients and water and may smother the plants
• Water bedding plants in the evening to allow the plants and soil to absorb it before the summer sun burns it off. Hanging baskets may require watering more than once a day especially during hot weather
• If bedding plants become infected with greenfly, spray with an insecticide, preferably on a windless evening.
• Slugs and snails can be controlled with a remedy available at your local garden centre.
